Pro Tips

    • You can fly - Trust the process
      • Anyone can learn anything with time, dedication and a bit of money.
      • The confidence of piloting an aircraft yourself is surely something you can achieve: trust the process.
    • Join a flying club
      • Something flight schools don’t tell you is that you are inherently responsible for the aircraft at all stages at all times of your rental.
      • Flying clubs make you a part owner of your aircraft. This provides total liability coverage as part of your membership. 
      • It also provides you aircrafts that are maintained using the entirety of the club funds - since most clubs are non profit all the money goes into making sure you have access to the best aircrafts at the best price. 
      • You will also have much better access to scheduling. 
      • You can rent the aircraft for multi day trips to travel and really utilize your pilots license as opposed to restrictions at flight schools who prefer to rent their aircraft’s for short training sessions.
    • Get your own gear
      • A good headset goes a long way during your training and after.
      • An IPad will allow you to maximize todays technology to make your learning experience and flying experience an absolute breeze in addition to increasing safety and awareness.
    • Stay consistent 
      • By staying consistent you will not only achieve your goals sooner, but you will also end up saving money since you are liable to regress during large gap days.
      • In turn this will save you a lot of money, time and frustration. 
    • Pick the right instructor 
      • You will be spending close to 100 hours with your instructor, with half of those in close quarters… pick someone you like.
    • Be honest with your instructor
      • Being honest with yourself and your instructor about your goals, abilities, frustrations and hurdles will allow for a positive learning environment.
    • Be teachable
      • You and your instuctor share a common goal: to make a safe and competent pilot.
      • Be open to constructive criticism that will allow you to assess, evaluate and improve your skills.
      • Ego will prove to be a massive hindrance to your progression and instuctor - student pilot relationship. 

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